The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers – Fire Division

Date & Time

09 Sep 2023    
10:00 - 12:00


Bookings closed


Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, HKIE Headquarters, 9/F Island Beverley, No.1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay

Event Type


Programme Highlights

In order to facilitate business operations and optimize the use of professional human resources, the government proposed to introduce a third-party fire safety certification scheme, namely the Registered Fire Engineer (“RFE”) Scheme, to leverage professional engineers and qualified persons in the market for the provision of fire safety risk assessment and certification services.

Taking into consideration valuable feedback from the three trade consultations and the results of a Business Impact Assessment, the Fire Services Department has drawn up a detailed proposal for the Scheme.  The seminar aims to introduce the RFE Scheme to members of HKIE, covering topics in relation to registration requirements, duties of registered fire engineers, regulatory mechanism, and schedule of implementation.


Ir. C. Y. WONG
Deputy Director (Operations)
Fire Services Department

Ir. Horace LAM
Assistant Divisional Officer (Support)1
Fire Services Department

Registration & Enquiries

The seminar is free of charge and prior registration is required.  The number of participants is limited to 60 (physical, preference will be given to members of Fire Division).  Applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis.  Successful registration will be notified individually.

The deadline for application is 31 August 2023.  Applicants are suggested to register and log in using Hotmail/Outlook email account.  The organizers reserve the right to decline any application if no membership number is submitted.

UPDATE (30/8): Due to the high volume of registrations, we will now arrange for a hybrid format.  Those who have registered earlier and received a reserved seat can bring the attached ticket in the email for registration on the day of the event.  If your registration was rejected, you will receive a webinar link from Zoom about 3-4 days before the event day.  Feel free to use this link to join the seminar.  Those interested in joining the webinar can register below before the application deadline (i.e. 31 August 2023).

For enquiry, please contact Mr. Jacob YEUNG at +852 6494 4989 via Whatsapp message.

Fire Division Committee

Bookings are closed for this event.